Around the World Blog Hop
When I received the invite from my dear friend Amanda to participate in the Around the World Blog Hop, I didn't even have to think about. I love this kind of thing! Amanda is a guild buddy and she is doing wonderful things on her blog, The Cozy Pumpkin. I encourage you to hop on over for a peek.
I'm also going to give a special shout-out tag to Felicity of Felicity Quilts. She'd already been tagged when I asked if she'd participate, but she gave me a shout-out tag in her post. Please give her a visit as well.
Now, let’s get personal….
What am I working on? Physically…I’m working on this wall-hanging/mini for two purposes.
First, it’s actually for me (which doesn’t happen too often) to hang over my keyboard. We’re trying to have only original art on the walls, whether it comes from us (my husband takes wonderful photos!) or someone else, and we have one last pre-fab canvas to get rid of.
Second, it’s a project for a quilt show in Budapest that my guild (OKCMQG) is doing in November. One of our members is from Hungary and she’s organized a little show. We’re all very excited about it!
Mentally….I’m working on a new quilt for our king-size bed. It’s so much harder to decide on something I’ll be living with rather than giving away. I’m amazed at how much I’m struggling with it. It’ll be such a time consuming project and I just want it to be right the first time. No regrets!
Then, of course, there are a bunch of ideas on my computer just waiting to see the light of day....
How does my work differ from others of its genre? Although I identify myself with the modern quilt movement, I'm really more of a modern-traditionalist. I try to do my own thing and not compare myself with others. We all have our own ideas and aesthetics, right? I know what type of quilts I like to make for others and they are full of color and pattern. (Can you have too many prints in a quilt?)
Conversely, I’m drawn to minimalist quilts but haven’t made one because of that inner need I have for lots of prints and pattern. Most of the quilts I seem to have made have been gifts, so I really try to create something that I think will fit the recipient and not just my own inner needs.
Why do I create what I do?
Right now, quilting just happens to be on the top of my creative list. I've been obsessed immersed in other things over the years, but the bottom line is that I have to do something. I need to be creative. There have been periods of time in my life when “the dark and evil forces of life” (time zappers!) have dried up my creativity. I’m so much happier when I’m being creative, in whatever form that may be. I simply have to have a creative outlet. If I can make it, I will!
How does my creating process work?My creative process typically starts with a need. Who or what is it for?If it’s a baby quilt, sometimes the pattern comes before the fabric, but most times I find myself at the fabric shop looking for inspiration. I have a few go-to patterns, so if I find inspiration in a fabric I’ll work it out in my head in the store. I have a formula for putting fabric together, so, once I find my inspiration fabric it all comes together easily.If I’m creating a pattern, I use graphic software to design it. I use a grid background and, for me, it’s just so much easier to move things around and recolor than graph paper or quilt design programs. It was such a time saver when I was coloring and re-coloring my Plaid Houndstooth Quilt.
Inspiration can come from anything at any time. If an idea strikes at work I sketch out the idea on a scrap of paper and color it with highlighters. Then, I'll come home and fine tune it on my computer.
I haven't blogged about this quilt, Summer Tee, yet. A boys' t-shirt caught my eye while walking through a department store. I'm excited that it will be displayed in the upcoming OKC Modern Quilt Show.
Now, another fun element of the Around the World Blog Hop is that I get to "tag" some fellow bloggers to participate! They will be posting next week on September 22nd. So, while I encourage you to check out their blogs now, don't forget to visit them next week as well!
So, Carol at Happy Turtle and Bri at Eve to Ruby... TAG, you're it! I can't wait to read your posts next week!