
Welcome to Leslie Unfinished! I'm a list maker, planner, and sometimes procrastinator. Join me as I try to accomplish the many projects on my ever-changing Unfinished List.

Spring Break

Spring Break

This week is Spring Break, and for me, it’s been a real disappointment. I always think I’ll get so much done since I won’t have to hound my son to do his homework or practice his violin and bassoon, and all other activities get put on hold. But, I suddenly fell ill on Monday, and here it’s Friday already! Nothing accomplished, just too much T.V. (Although we have been enjoying “The Tudors: Season 1”.) I’m hoping to get out and enjoy a little 70 degree weather today before the snow hits tomorrow. Oklahoma weather. Blink, and you could miss it.I felt very productive last week painting these wooden eggs for Easter.I use to paint all the time, but it’s been a few years and quite honestly, it wasn’t as fun this time around. And coming up with ideas to paint each one unique is SO time consuming, even though I jot ideas down in a notebook.

Maybe I’m just a little rusty, but honestly, this might be the last time I do this kind of painting.
That is, until Christmas comes around and I finally decide to paint the rest of the 2 dozen wooden ornaments I have stashed away.
The Proof is in the Pudding...

The Proof is in the Pudding...

It's Only Paint

It's Only Paint