A Quilt for Sadie
Here's a quilt for baby Sadie, just newly born and adopted by a friend. I love the sweet fabrics in this quilt, but what a chore it was! My first two practice runs at machine quilting had been successful. But on this particular rainy day in Oklahoma, I'd been having problems with my machine...skipped stitches, thread breaking repeatedly...so I did all that I could think of: Changed the bobbin 3 times, tried every size of needle I had, and even opened up the machine and cleaned out all the dust. Nothing seemed to work.After a bit of research on the internet, I quickly determined that it must be the thread. Sure enough, after a helpful visit to my local quilt shop, The Savage Quilter, the higher quality thread worked fine.I finished the machine quilting at about 3:00 pm. I took the quilt off the machine and turned it over. Puckers. Not one, but two. NO WAY am I going to give that! So I spent the next hour and a half unpicking almost a fourth of the quilt.
With an eye on the clock (the baby shower was that day at 6:00!), I kept at it. "I can be a little late," I thought. I even thought about taking it half done and saying I needed to take it back to finish it, but I didn't like the idea of that. So, I just kept at it. I could be an hour late if need be.At 7:50 pm I accepted defeat. I didn't make it to the shower and finished the quilt at about 8:30. I hadn't eaten all day and I was cranky, but I finished it and I love it! I hope little Sadie does too.