A No Barn, Barn Dance
The girls from church and I are in charge of decorations for what we are calling a "No Barn, Barn Dance". We didn't have a barn to hold the dance in and really, we just needed a theme that would give us an excuse to wear jeans and boots.
Our decorations are inspired by things on a farm. I bought a HUGE roll of paper, and thus far we have painted 4 wagon wheels, 5 sheep, 1 pig, 1 dog, numerous chickens and a rooster. I'm currently working on sunflowers. The sunflowers will be attached to large sheets of paper that have stalks, leaves and vines painted on them. I used corregated cardboard that I happened to have for the centers. I think it gives it some texture. I'm up to circles for 55 sunflowers and debating about more.

I started by painting a HUGE sheet of paper yellow.Traced a circle, cut it out and then folded in half.I the folded that in half again, and then one more time, until I had this triangle shape. Then I cut the end into a petal shape. Open it up and you have a sunflower!
We've also made a bunch of these cute paper daisies Paper Daisies just in white for our tables. We'll put them in brown paper bags rolled down and tied with a bandana on top of red and white checked tablecloths.